
The Art of Being #perfectlyimperfect

It’s been eight weeks now since I’ve stopped going into the office every day. I’ve decided it’s time for my sabbatical coming out party, here goes…

After entering Queen’s University 39 years ago– I’ve returned, taking two online courses to complete my B.A. Then in the spring I hope to graduate with my beloved Lucie at the same time, from the same program, at the same university. (She pushed me hard to do this, Lucie many thanks!)

Beyond school, I’m trying to squeeze in writing, piloting some audio/video projects while pondering some new business models for Q Media. Cause you know I can’t really keep my nose out of the goings-on at Q.  Then after a second dose of Costa Rica isolation in January/February 2019, I plan to apply to the MFA program in Creative Non-Fiction at Dalhousie. (Fingers crossed I get accepted.)

Over the next few months, in between memorizing 19th century painters and business theories, I’m going to be reflecting on what I’m calling my #perfectlyimperfect #Act1REDUX. A series of musings and reminders to help me as I ponder…

How can I re-new myself? My work? Keep on learning, taking risks, while keeping up with that pile of books bedside? And on and on…

Sharing below with you all my first reflection that is keeping me going… or keeping me up at night?

**This Experiment was made possible by the support of people like you; my friends, clients, and colleagues who have encouraged and pushed me. But mostly, thanks to Richard Quinlan, Lucie Quinlan, my partners Caitie, Graeme and Steve (basically the entire Q Media Solutions team) for making it happen!

Perfectly Imperfect Sabbatical

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